"Hello! Changing the world"

Creative Commons
Global Summit

A joyful celebration believing in the value of openness and sharing, creating
a positive change with people from over 80 countries is taking place in October, in Korea.

2023.10.26(THU) ~ 27(FRI)

@National Museum of Korea, Art Center Nabi and more

Main Program

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List to the speakers from various countries about the mesages of sharing and opening

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CC Exhibition

Appreciate various creations applying CC license of artists, organized from Art Center Nabi.

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Have the time to share yur thoughts and opnions with experts for each topic.

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Try creating your won work suing open source license rather than just watching

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CC Ignite

Get opportunities to network with CC affiliates around the world, also after the summit.

Join CC Global Sumbit 2023

Featured Speakers


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